About Me

My name is Lexi Palmer. I am the creator of this website. A little about me: I grew up on a farm in a small town in Pennsylvania. Since birth, I have been a wild child, an adrenaline junky, and an explorer. In my spare time in the summer, I like to go boating on the lake. While there, I go skiing, wakeboarding, and cliff diving. In the winter, you can find me on the snow-covered slopes of our local ski resort, either skiing or snowboarding. I regularly travel for scuba diving and experience new environments and cultures. I love learning about other places, which led me to take four years of Spanish in high school, be part of the foreign exchange club, and teach myself other languages. I am planning to visit my friends in Europe in the upcoming years. I met my two friends from Germany and Czechia through our school's foreign exchange program. One of my dreams was to go to the United States Coast Guard. I joined and went to boot camp in August of 2022. While there, I had joint issues and returned home on a medical discharge to start a new adventure.